Dubbo Triathlon Club

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05/11/23 - Michael Martin Charity Teams Event

A massive thanks to everyone who attended our Teams Charity Event on Sunday to support @leaderlife.dubbo and the great work they do! The event is different to others as the 'goal' is to be as close as possible to time nominated before the race.

Results were:

1st 24 seconds off: Chris Richards Bayden Lyons

2nd 43 seconds off: Ben O'brien Jemima Quilty

3rd 58 seconds off: Mel Fanning Kate Brien

4th 1:47 seconds off: Ed Druitt Katie Lyons

Congratulations to everyone who raced. Check out the race results HERE.

Special thanks to our amazing event sponsors @f45_training_dubbo @aceatfades @yougalah @findexofficial #lyonsadvantage See you all at our Xmas swim challenge on 10th December! @dubboregion @dubbochamber @dubbocycleclub #dubbo #triathlon #teamtraininglifechanging #findex #bbq #volunteers